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I'm Overthinking It

I realised that at the moment it is very hard for me to make any art. Whether this is because I have to write my dissertation, or I am no longer crippled with anxiety and depression the same way that I have been when I've been my most productive. This sounds counter-intuitive, but often the reason I've come up with some of my best ideas in the past is because I was so anxious I had to have an outlet, and could throw myself into my work. I feel like I'm having a bit of a crisis about what to make work about, and whilst I did love my work in first semester, it wasn't something which I felt I had this deep connection to, like I did for my work last year. I feel like I know I want to go into fashion design, so it is sometimes really hard to keep my fine art head on and have a deep idea which I can make a whole body of work about. Whilst, I can be a two-headed gal, it can be challenging to drown out the opinions of others on my work. I want to make something original, something that I really care about, and something which ultimately will get me a good grade. I think I need to try and do a little project each week, rather than having some huge idea with a final product in mind to work towards. Hopefully this will help me get out of this funk, because third year really is not the time to be having a whole identity and work crisis.

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